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What Entails an Effluent Disposal Report?

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Effluent Disposal Reports are documents derived after an effluent disposal assessment is carried out on an allotment either before installation of an effluent disposal system if the area does not have access to sewer or to retrofit a new system to replace a failed or failing septic system. The purpose of the assessment is to examine subsurface conditions of the area, to check the suitability of the area proposed for effluent disposal, to make estimations of the minimum number of sectors required for disposal and to make recommendations of disposal options. The process may involve a site walkover inspection, subsurface examination, laboratory testing and finally engineering analysis. What exactly will this process entail?

Site Inspection and Description

The site inspection will entail the size of the allotment and what covers it. Is it grass, trees, buildings, a dam or bores? What type of soil does the area have? The soil may include topsoil and residual soil.

Laboratory Testing

Soil samples are picked and taken to the lab for testing. Some of the things examined include pH, CEC and sodicity, which may present effluent disposal limitations.


Upon completion of the site inspection, a result of minor, moderate or major limitation may be given. These limitations depend on the restriction to the proposed disposal area. The constraints may include the potential for flooding, high land slope percentage, the potential for erosion, the presence of boulders or soil permeability, among others.

In cases where a report indicates major or moderate limitations, measures may be taken to improve the conditions.

Considerations for The Effluent Treatment System

After the site has been inspected and a suitable area identified, the next step is to determine the best option for an effluent treatment system. At this point, various factors are considered, including the amount of effluent to be generated. This will be estimated based on the proposed number of individuals utilising the facility or facilities and may affect the size of the system. The site factors will also be considered so that the system can work effectively and efficiently under the land conditions.

You will also have to comply with other essential aspects such as a reserve area and buffer distance. For example, there should be a particular buffer distance from property boundaries or buildings to the disposal site.

Construction and Maintenance

Once the above is in order, construction will commence. The performance of the effluent disposal system will depend on proper maintenance. Manufacturers, suppliers and the local government has set various guidelines on adequate maintenance of the system that may include but are not limited to maintenance of surface vegetation, drains and removal of sludge.
